Medium Integration

The Medium integration allows you to connect a Medium profile or publication to Swish.

To add a new Medium integration, you would need an integration token from your Medium account.

Once your integration is connected you can do one of the following:

1. Import Posts

On your integration settings page, go to the import tab and you will see a few options:

  • Import Posts: To confirm whether the import should begin.
  • Publication: Where the posts should be imported from. You can either select your Medium profile, or one of the publications you are a contributor to.

Immediately you confirm your options, the import process will begin in the background and we will send you a notification once it is completed.

2. Cross Posts

You can use Swish as a central place to publish your posts and syndicate to your Medium account.

To enable this, go to the Syndicate tab, set up the options:

  • Publication: The publication to cross post to. Can either be your own profile or any publication that you have contributor access to.
  • Should Cross Post: Whether to activate cross posting.
  • Publish Status: The status of posts after they are automatically crossposted. If the user is not an editor of the publication, the status will always be "Draft".

Since Medium does not allow post to be edited through their API, we cannot automatically update your posts when you edit them. However, we will send you a notification to remind you to update the Medium post.

See Also


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