Post Settings

On the post edit page, you can cick on "Settings" to open the Post settings side panel.

Publish on

  • Drafts: This will be empty.
  • Published posts: It is the date the post was published.
  • Scheduled posts: It is the date (in the future) when the post will be published.

Here are the ways in which this field is modified:

Publish Now

For drafts and scheduled posts, clicking the "Publish now" button sets the date to "now" and saves the post.

If the post was previously published, instead of the current time, the publish date is set to the last time the post was published.


For currently published posts. This will clear the value and save the post, moving the post to your Drafts.


For greater countrol over the published date, you can set it manually.

  • If you set a date in the past, the post is published.
  • If you set a date in the future, the post will be scheduled for that date.


The post description is used in the following places:

  1. In the posts listing page.
  2. As the meta description which is used by search engines and when sharing the post online.

By default, the post description is the first 150 characters of your post. But for greater control you can set your custom post description in the post settings.

A featured image is used in the following places.

  • In the posts grid, except you turn it off in the [theme options][page/theme-options].
  • As the image in the [open graph tags][page/open-graph-tags] for your post.

A featured image is automatically created for EVERY post. However, you can select a custom featured image for your post.

The recommended size for featured iamges is 1200px x 628px

Canonical URL

A canonical URL is used to point to the main version of a post. If you are reposting an article that is on another site, you can enter the link to the original article here to prevent being penalised by Google and other search engines. Learn more.


The post slug is a unique identifier for a post.

It is primarily used in the URL of the post. For example:

If you want to, you can manually set the post slug. If the slug is not set, one is generated from the post title when the post is first published.

If another post already has the same slug, a number (such as -1) is added to the slug

Take care when changing the slug. Changing the slug changes the post URL and the previous URL WILL NOT redirect to the new one.

See Also


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